So, not too much to report here. I figured I would do a milestone check as I haven't done one in a while and now I have something fun to add (and be thankful for)!
How far along? 21 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: I have no idea as I turned a blind eye to the scale last week. But the doctor didn't say anything, so I'm pretty sure I'm ok there.
Maternity clothes? In pants all the time - and am still trying to make some shirts work for me. The tall shirts I had previously seem to be making the cut ok... the others, not so much.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Off and on... I'll sleep a lot and nothing can wake me up some nights and some nights I wake up constantly and have a hard time falling asleep.
Best moment this week: Finding out the sexes and having both babies be healthy and good.
Movement: More so. I have been feeling more (in quantity) every day and have been feeling more (like in pressure and define-ness of movement)
Food cravings: Beef. And sweets. Pretty much all Food
. I either eat a large meal and am full for like 4-5 hours or I eat a normal amount and am hungry like 2-3 hours later. Yeah. Just give me a cheeseburger and I'm happy. Or a donut. Or, you know, pretty much anything. And writing that made me hungry again. But, I will say one thing: the burping of one meal and having my stomach growl for another is pretty weird.
Gender: One BOY and one GIRL!!! I am so happy about this. Exactly what I wanted. Makes the naming easier and makes me super happy since we won't be able to afford doing any other ART, which means a very small chance of having more babies, which, in all honesty, I'm perfectly fine with. Two is perfect for us. And having one of each makes it more perfect. And I super love knowing who is where and being able to think or say things like "She's really active right now" or "He's awake now". So cool. I can't wait for M to be able to feel them.
Labor Signs: Um, no. And it can stay that way, thankyouverymuch.
What I miss: Subway. Sandwiches... yum...
What I am looking forward to: More movement, M feeling the babies move and getting bigger. I know that last one sounds weird, but sometimes I feel like I shrink and lose my baby belly.
And, because I mentioned it before, this is the picture of me, at the baby shower a month ago. Three pregnant women, with me being the least far along (and on the right, in the brown). If I calculated correctly, I am 16w3d in this picture, the person next to me was 20-21 weeks and the shower honoree (in red) was 30ish weeks (and they are both pregnant with one). We're all facing straight on, so its kinda hard to actually see any bumps. I think I look... just... fat. And man, am I tall from my boobs up, because you sure as hell can't tell I'm taller than both these women in this picture! But as I get my more pictures taken of me, I'll be sure to post them. I think I have a camping one... or someone does.