Tuesday, January 29, 2008

An Uplifting Monday

So Monday was my first appointment with the fertility doc, or RE as I've seen them called (and will refer to my doc as, because its easier to write)(which stands for Reproductive Endocrinologist)and it went pretty well! I talked with the doc about all the options and possibilities and she set up a game plan I even got a diagnosis all in the same visit! Which, miracle upon miracle, was the very next day after being referred. I was referred Friday and was able to set an appointment for Monday. Un-freaking-believable if you ask me. A good omen for the whole business too.
As a part of the first visit, they even did a vaginal ultrasound, which showed PCOS (or polycystic ovary syndrome - here is an informative link). Which explains the huge time gap between periods and the spare tire around my waist! (Oh, wait... well, that and all the crap I eat and the lack of excercise I do daily...) And which shows that my body can produce eggs, just is unable to bring them to full maturity and release them. (Well, that's what tests so far show - but its common and a 'good' thing, considering all the 'not good' things out there.) I have a game plan for everything and I know whats happening next and what we hope to have happen (blood work, semen analysis, xray, then hopefully a clomid/IUI combo (IUI informative link here)). YAY!

Pretty fucking good for a Monday! And (shh) I got to go home after the appointment... at 2:00. Actually, I got to go shopping and then go home. The only bad thing is that I didn't get my friend a baby present and I met with her for lunch today. Bad Lawren, Bad!

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