Seriously, ya'll. (I'm from Texas and can say that without sounding ridiculous unless I want to, so there.) Handyman was at our house until one. o'clock. in. the. morning. Guess who has to wake up and go to work? Me and my wonderful husband. Guess who makes his own schedule... not us. He mentioned working late into the night and how he liked to stay until everything was done. I didn't think he meant 1 am. I've consumed two Frappaccinos today (I really am turning into Britney - although she's way skinnier and way more fucked up than me... ) and am now slowly drinking a diet coke. To make up for all the sugar in the Frapps, I decided to skip lunch. I munched on some goldfish (they have added calcium = healthy so shut up!) as my lunch. Yay, caffeine! So sorry doctor who told me no more than 2 cups of coffee a day for caffeine whilst TTC. I figure this could be an exception. Cuz, you know. Am. Tired. I normally get a solid 8 hours of sleep. I would be happy getting 10 hours a day, but that would require going to bed much too early. I am a night owl by nature, so it is much easier for me to stay up late than to wake up early, thus making going to bed early difficult.
On a completely different matter, what is the deal with people not answering emails!?! Ugh... I cannot do my job unless I get answers! to important questions! WTF?
Work rant over. Back to the excitement of the handyman. Everything he did looks good, so I'm pretty happy with that. He still has to come back and finish our laundry room door, and getting him out to our house again might be a struggle, but as long as he does it, I'm happy. And I'm eager to get movers scheduled because I think that's the only way we'll actually move forward with the whole getting the house on the market thing. Having them come in will motivate and force us (me) to get our shit together. And having me nag and bitch will also force Marc to get his shit together, which I unfortunately see a lot of in the future. We got into a fight Wednesday afternoon because I wanted him to do something to prepare for Gary (Handyman) and was angry and said how I had done everything, which pissed him off, because apparently his thinking was that he had done some stuff (which, to be fair, he had, I just don't know that I would have categorized it as doing stuff in preperation for the handyman. And I also categorized anything he did with me as being null and void, because obviously, I was doing it too, so...)(longest sentence ever!). Anyway, he said I was being high and mighty and a martyr, which was totally correct, however, I felt (and honestly believe I was right in thinking this) that I totally deserved to feel that way if I wanted to. But when I got home, he had done everything I had wanted done, including a couple of my things. So, yeah. We apologized and fight over. ButI have a feeling this is not going to be a one time deal. sigh...
Amazingly, for the amount of tired I am, I sure can write l-o-n-g posts about shit. My tiredness must = shit being pulled from the ass. Beware bosses and coworkers...
Friday, February 1, 2008
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