I just wrote this whole great big beautiful thing, hit save and tried to open a new page and hit home, when I accidentally sent this page home and going back... there was nothing. Nothing. *wimper* There was a lot. And now, nothing. *wimper, sniff*
Well, I was writing all about my weekend. I shall try to re-create my previous brillance. Without tears. No promises on the no tears part though.

So Groundhog Day! Super Bowl Sunday! And the Red Tide flows again! Tht basically sums up my weekend. That and other words like laziness, junk food (can anyone say ice cream cake?), heating pads and the couch. Friday night, Marc, Amy and I went out to
Chuy's to celebrate Groundhog Day and Marc's raise! - yay, husband! - I am seriously so proud of him. He works really hard and totally deserves that raise - and he got one for his employee, too, who is also most deserving. Chuy's was awesome as always and we left a little drunk, very full and pretty fucking happy. From our late night the night before (thank you Handyman Gary), I was exhausted and fell right asleep not too long after getting home. Marc woke me up easily Saturday morning, reminding me that we needed to go and see what the Great Groundhog had left in our shoes and I? I got an
iPod (and candy)!! Whoo-hoo! I was so exciting! It's my Groundhog and Valentine's Day present, which is great and kinda funny, because I totally had a vivid dream of getting an iPod for Valentine's Day and funnily enough, the one I got looks exactly like the one in the dream I had a couple weeks ago. Marc got a book an a CD (both Amazon wishlist items (
thank GOD for that thing!)) and candy as well. After all the excitement, we had to rush to meet Amy and Ponch for breakfast at Mama's - yum! Blueberry pancakes (is it any wonder we're fat?) We made a stop at the Sketcher outlet store where Marc and I both got 2 pairs of shoes
each (yay Marc shopping!)
and then made a stop at Costco for cat supplies. We then went home where my ass stayed, with a heating pad, for the rest of the day. I spent that time watching Groundhog Day (love that movie) and moving songs over to my new iPod. Marc was nice and burned all the CDs I wouldn't let him burn before to teh network so I could upload them. I wouldn't let him do it before because my husband is a music snob. Seriously. And he makes a lot of fun of people who listen to "trash" aka a lot of my old CDs. He has me edumacated (kinda) on what "good" music is and I was not eager to let him have full acess to open ended teasing. But, I'm really glad he did it, because apprently a lot of those CDs were on the last leg of life. I did not treat them well and most were mutilated to the point that my laptop would freeze with them in it. Eek! fortunately, I now have them all digitally, so the Coke I spilled on them that I didn't clean can continue it's work at eating away the CD. The iPod process was a long one that I was very impatient to get through. I was dealing with pre-period cramps that Tylenol just does not work well against. (Damn torturers who said I can't have Advil or Midol).
Sunday I woke up early with horrible cramps and the discovery that I! Started my period! Unmedicated! Like a normal person! Yay me! And then the pain brought my glee crashing down to Earth as I gulped down the Tylenol and got my ass on the heating pad. Where it stayed. Until Marc wanted pancakes and I made them for him. (Let me pat myself on the back a little more... I made him breakfast! After him putting up my cranky ass and helping get my iPod set up. He rocks. I married the best man ever.) Then it was back to heating pad therapy until we went to the store to forget stuff. We managed to get enough for chips and dip (because nothing says binge weekend on crap like candy and chips and dip) and burgers. That we ate during the Giants winning the Super Bowl over the Patriots!! Wow! And good for them. I didn't like the Patriots and their
sore losing,
cheating ways. And good for Eli Manning winning and getting the MVP. Although, I do have to say a few things about that (and the game in general):
- Look, I know that Eli lead his team to get those points that won, and that fourth quarter drive was amazing, and he is deserving of the MVP, but really? There is no way they would have won that game without that defense bringing it. That defense Won. The. Game. The whole line should be MVPs of that game, because they rocked. Hybrid Escalades for all, is what I say! Come on, Lincoln, dole that shit out!
- The old lady up there on the platform - hilarious. And isn't that guy young for a GM? I have to say though, that had I been those players, I'd be like, wait a second. WE won the game - what the hell are doing with our trophey?

- I loved Tom Petty as the half time show. His songs are so universal and cross generational, I thought it was a perfect choice. And he rocked. But dude is getting old..

- I think Brady totally faked needing that cast and was playing mind games. And I don't like his baby-mama-leaving ass anyway. Punk.

- WTF is up with the horribly shitty commercials???!? Oh my god, they were all horrible. All of them. I think two made me smirk. SMRIK. No laughter here. Barely a smile. And all of that crap cost HOW MUCH?? These people should have hired the striking writers for some better shit. Cuz they all sucked. Major disappointment. Major. At least the game made up for it.
Overall, a wonderful weekend spent with my baby. I couldn't ask for a better one. Well, I take that back. I wish the Packers ahd been the ones schooling those Pats, but, for what it was, it was great.
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