For all this to start happening.
It seems like everything is on the cusp of actually starting. I've been feeling crampy and think that maybe, just maybe, I'll be starting my period soon. And then, we can get the whole getting-knocked-up thing going. I'm so ready for that to start. Although I am slightly worried about the positive OPK test on my cycle day 24 and 26. Because, what if I really did ovulate all on my own then? What if I could be pregnant now? (Wishful thinking, I know, because I know there is a very slight chance of me ovulating on my own actually happening, but it's possible.) And that my period wouldn't naturally start until a week or so from now? But that I'm supposed to start taking Provera Saturday? And you aren't supposed to take that stuff if you are pregnant. So, there's a little concern there. And apparently a lot of questions, not only in my head, but apparently? Here too. Me loves the punctuation!?:;"',.
And the house stuff? Am so ready for that. So, SO ready for all that to begin. Movers are coming this weekend. ( I have to repeat that to myself like a mantra) I don't want to drag my feet on this anymore (not that *ahem* I've been the one whose feet are scuffed up from all the dragging, but we aren't naming names...) I'm just so ready for this stuff to start! Let's get the house listed so get going! Let's find a buyer! Let's buy a house! I've already found several cute ones. Let's move! Wait, I have an even better idea! Let's get pregnant and move!!! Can you say decorating a nursery in a new house? I promise to to bitch too much...
A friend of ours (who, I'm not at liberty to say) is pregnant. I'm super excited for her. A little bittersweet about it (I mean, she just was saying that she was going to try. And it only took like, 3 months. If that. How come its so easy for some people?) but really happy for her.
I think I got punched in the ovaries when I was little and that's what broke them. You'd think they would have healed by now.

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