Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I'm just now getting over being sick. I started feeling badly the day after we got back from Mexico, so I'm guessing it's something I picked up on the plane (probably from those damn babies) or airport. Or it could have been all the ugly ranting from the last post, which, after re-reading seems excessive, but I'm not going to delete or edit it. I blame the hormones. The sore throat, the sinus headaches, the sneezing, etc. Man it's been ugly. At least all I've needed to this past week was do laundry, clean up the house and read the Sookie Stackhouse books, which I've done. At least until book 7. I'm waiting for book 8 to arrive in the mail. Whee!

We had one showing this weekend, which seemed promising. Of course we haven't heard anything and they didn't have a pre-approval letter, so I'm guessing it wasn't a serious buyer.

This week I have to concentrate on finishing my assignments for my ACT classes. I have a major presentation due Saturday that I have to put together this week. And I have the ESL test on Wednesday afternoon that I'll spend all morning studying for.

I'm on day 4 of the Provera. No sign of AF, so I'm guessing it'll take the full course before I get anything. Which, according to my past history means I should be starting my period around March 6. Which would mean a tame St. Patrick's Day for me, as I'll likely be in the 2ww.

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