Monday, July 6, 2009


So my e2 is 228; Nurse D said that was perfect. Exactly where I should be. Not too high, not too low. So yay! I go back Wednesday for another e2 test and a scan. She said they would be looking at my lining then, which I shouldn't have a problem with (knock on wood). I also clarified that I would definitely be getting a scan then. She laughed and said that because I had been there for so long, they all just assume I've been through it before and know what to expect, and that they forget this is my first IVF cycle. My dosage is staying the same at 2 units (150iu) of Gonal in the morning, and 2 units of Menopur, with 5iu of Lupron and the dexamethasone at night. So far everything looks like its going perfectly for this cycle. I just hope it stays that way.

1 comment:

K8e said...

GL! It is all sounding super! Can't wait to hear about Wed!!!!