We had another scan yesterday and everything was good! A's
HB was 179 and B's was 170... everything was pretty much on track. I got into trouble because I haven't made an appointment with an OB yet. I wanted to wait until after this appointment and was told to get an appointment ASAP.
Opps. I'm switching
OB's though, so I'm trying to research a good one. They gave me a recommendation of some doctors who are in their building, so that's nice. I have to look them up first. I liked my other one (she's the one who recommended me to my clinic) but she's a drive and now that I don't work over there, there's no reason for me to make the drive.
I'm hairy as a something-really-hairy right now and am fighting the urge to shave... BUT there hasn't been another bleeding episode!!!!!! (knock on wood) And the SCH shrunk a little. Whoo-hoo! My symptoms are still come and go, which never ceases to freak me out. Sleeping... is... a fight. I am tired, but just can't seem to sleep very well or very long. I had my first gag/dry heave the other day - just the toothbrush and water first thing in the morning, but still no barfing (
yay!). But I am pretty queasy a lot and food is very iffy right now. I don't fit into my pants very well, but this could be from the donuts I've been eating (because
OMG yummmmm).... or it could be because I've got two embryos-almost-fetuses in me. I'm a tall person (5'11") and *ahem* not thin (slightly overweight) so I thought for sure that I wouldn't show (not that I'm 'showing'
cuz I'm not, but my
pudge has definitely gotten bigger) or be busting out of clothes this soon, but I apparently am. Spandex is my friend. I don't know if this is normal? Or just super bloat?
M keeps asking me when I'm going to "get excited" about this. And I tell him I am excited, but I know what he means. I'm reserved. You can't have something taken away and hear all the awful stories and not think that it could happen to you. (
TMI warning) Every over-abundance of cervical discharge sends me rushing into the bathroom or pulling down my pants (when alone) to check my underwear. Today is one of those days. But, as far as we've made it, as normal as everything looks, it's still just so early. I feel like time has gone by so slowly that it should be the 12
th week, but man, I've got a whole month until then! I keep giving M deadlines like, past seven weeks, when we get to 10 weeks, when we're out of the first
tri, then I'll relax. We'll (hopefully) see.
Pics: Coming soon (hopefully). M has to scan them in so they're digital. But he will. And then I'll put them up.