So now I have to follow the rules. (copied from Jackie) The rules of the "One Lovely Blog Award" are: Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. (I'm cheating a bit here - I'm just going to put some IF blogs I love)
Please bear with me, as I've never listed and linked to blogs before... so here goes, in no particular order!
1. Jeanna's Motherhood Journey
2. ~Baby Manatee~
3. Maybe If You Just Relax
4. my acronyms give me character
5. http://nothowiplanned.blogspot.com/
6. http://peardream.blogspot.com/
7. The Fertility Project
8. Who Says Life is Fair?
9. Bella and her Fella
10. Blog Shmog
11. Don't Stop Believin'
12. The Journey is Not The Destination
13. The roller coaster of infertility
14. A Little Star of our Own
15. Peachy
16. Your maybe not so Average Twins-After-Pregnancy-After-Infertility Blog
17. Three Cheers for Babies
18. http://babbsbabytrail.blogspot.com/
19. A Foxy Family Blog (no link because its private)
Ok, well hopefully that worked. You ladies are all lovely and I love reading your blogs.
In other news... there is none. I'm starving a lot. And getting full faster. My boobs are getting sore. I still am cramping. My back hurts. (TMI) My pee smells weird. Chocolate gives me heartburn (M made chocolate chip cookies for me and the first bite I knew I would be hit with it. And I was). I'm constantly exhausted, but sleeping like shit. (Last night I ate half a bag of Skittles (which I normally don't reach for - now love) and then laid awake for an hour, with my heart pounding trying not to think 'things', and failing miserably. I think it was a sugar rush?) Oh, yeah... and the hotness. Especially at night.
I'm still scared shitless. I ordered more PIO and Lovenox, so I kinda feel like I'm tempting fate here. Tomorrow I go in for more blood work. They're slowly 'detoxing' me from the estrogen patches (I can't think of the right phrase, but you get the idea.)
ETA: I have had a headache since last night and am starting to freak. I need some good vibes. Headaches happen, right?
1 comment:
Wow! Thanks, I feel super special!
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