Last night was a mess. After the earlier post we went to the grocery store. I got hungry. Immediately ravenous, I should say. I get hungry very quickly and if I don't eat soon, I start to get nauseous and nothing sounds good. And then I get a headache. So I got hungry and waited too long to eat and got very emotional about today and cried and cried and cried about it all. M was no help because he was a un-compassionate jerk yesterday (this could be the hormones, as he was pretty confused last night when we talked all this over). I ate, ignored M the rest of the evening and was in bed, reading by 9:00. I read an entire book. I have no idea how late I stayed up, I just wasn't tired enough to fall asleep immediately, which was my whole goal. I hate laying in bed, unable to sleep because I have 1000000000000 thoughts racing through my head. And this usually happens when I have a scan the next day. I get so anxious. And nervous. Anyway, so last night was pretty horrible. I did sleep, although I had nightmares about the book I was reading (should have known better to read a gruesome murder mystery before bed).
Today has been immensely better. I think, in addition to the crazy hormones that basically had be so upset about food, I just needed a good cry. Before the scan I went to Ulta and bought a Smashbox makeup kit (total waste of money as I've worn makeup twice in the last month, but I used a birthday gift card and I'm a total makeup junkie), then had lunch with M, had the scan, then had lunch #2, then went to BRU that is going out of business near us and spent way too much money on gender neutral things and stuff for my little sis who is having a baby boy in January (or me - is that wrong?), and then went to Target and bought a Cheesecake Factory cheesecake. Which I'll be popping open in a few. So yes. Today = much better day. (Hmmmmmm.... cheesecake.... droooooolllllll....)
Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment (fun!) and then Wednesday we go back to make sure everything is kosher. I'm super excited to tell my family and friends about the little ones on the way and feel so much better about everything. M keeps double checking that I'm not getting all freaked out about something else now. I told him that I just wanted a bump now. Not to be super-fat whale-girl, but to look like I'm actually going to have a baby. Pics to come as soon as we upload them. (We got a DVD of pics - so cool!)

Look ma! We're like real babies! We even look like babies instead of weird blob things!
I tried to get the best pictures of each of them... the problem being that you very well could be looking at Baby A in both side pics because some of the pics were labeled and some weren't... or we could pretend that I got each of them in their glory and look how cute they are. (Also, yes I suck at consistent cropping.)
Yay for the babies being fine and I can't believe it's almost the second trimester already!
Have fun sharing your wonderful news with the world!
yay for everything being ok. Fingers crossed for all the blood results.
Woot- 2nd Tri!
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