Thursday, December 3, 2009


Craziness. That is what I am feeling.

My already over-analytical nature kicks into overdrive analyzing everything to do with pregnancy. And you'd think I was able to relax more... not the case. What's making me crazy is the differences. The amount and type (thick or thin) of cervical discharge I experience in a day either has me running for the bathroom or wondering where it went. The amount of movement I feel varies from day to day and has me constantly repeating to myself "this is normal, they don't even ask for movement monitoring until much later, some people are just starting to feel things" on a day when I don't feel much. A day like today. And yesterday.

It all makes me want to.. I don't know, but I do know I'm driving myself crazy. And there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Those feelings are totally normal unfortunately. I was like that until about 2 weeks ago. It gets better once you feel them every single day and they start to get a schedule.

It gets better I promise.