Friday, July 31, 2009

Beta #2 this AM

And it's up. To 356.

I... am....

finally able to breathe today.

But still feel very super duper cautious. Like I said before, I need to see the heartbeat. I need it to be there. And then and only then will I feel ... good.

My symptoms are very few: I notice I'm drinking more water and I have slight cramping. Kinda like AF is on her way. I can also smell more strongly I think. Maybe. But no sore boobies. And nothing that really says - wow - I MUST be pregnant now.

We go back again Tuesday. For more bloodwork. Today I got big hugs and smiles from everyone, which I accepted with anxiousness and nervousness and tight, tiny little smiles back. I was glad the clinic was kinda empty otherwise I would have felt bad for the other patients there. I love those people. I go down to one patch of Vivelle on Saturday. And that's all she wrote.

Well not all. I really appreciate everyone who has thought of me during this journey. Thank you for all the good thoughts and well wishes and everything. I'll say it again: this part is the scariest part. I'm still so freaked out and scared. But all is good for now.


K8e said...

YAY!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!

AmandaM said...

so happy that the beta is good!

EB said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I know it's hard to believe at first. When are you having your first u/s? Week 6?

JackieMac said...

Check out my blog - I gave you an award