How far along? 10w0d.. Still so early...
Total weight gain/loss: Haven't really gained anything (which you wouldn't know by the way my clothes don't fit. I was in shock when I was weighed - M thinks the scale was lying to be nice to pg women).
Maternity clothes? No. But I am always wearing elastic, leggings, or cullots/gauchos. My jeans don't fit. Most of my other pants don't fit. I have a couple of work pants that were really big on me before that are now quite snug. But they work for 'formal' things for now.
Stretch marks? Um, no. Could this be bruises instead? Because then, hells yes. Ass/hip and stomach. Love those needles.
Sleep: Is a struggle. Sleeping on my back is best. Sleeping on my side doesn't feel good.
Best moment this week: Well, technically that will be tomorrow, when I don't have to have a PIO shot. I had my last one this morning. My ass/hip is numb, bruised and has red welts all over it, so not having anymore shots in that area will be total bliss.
Movement: Well, since its WAY too early for me to feel anything, this week it was awesome to see one of the babies twitching (M doesn't like that - he says dancing because it sounds better)
Food cravings: None, really.
Gender: I'm hoping for one of each.
Pregnancy (Labor) Signs: (I wish there was a strike through option; instead of labor I'm opting for this to mean symptoms because that's what relevant right now.) This is where the neurotic-ness kicks in. My boobs hurt one day, not the next. My nips are sensitive. I've had some weird pulling right above my pubic bone this week (like when I walk). My back hurts off and on. Some food still tastes weird. Nausea comes and goes. If I overeat, I'm absolutely miserable. Nauseous and bloated. I still get hungry often. Lots of discharge down there (which leads to lots of pantie checking). Gagging and dry heaving in the morning from phlegm. I sneeze a lot. Gagging at night when I brush my teeth. Getting up to pee at least twice at night. Every time we go anywhere I freeze. I get really cold and goosebumpy. My boobs have not gotten bigger. I think that's it... (could there be any more, lol?)
What I miss: soda
What I am looking forward to: Our NT scan, Sept 28, with follow up regular appointment on the 30th. Just a couple days after that, M's birthday; I'll be just over 13 weeks then. Those are my next major mini milestones. Also, showing. I can't wait to get a bump. Then maybe I'll actually believe that I'm pregnant. Whereas now, it's still hard to believe.
Milestones: We had the first real OB GYN appointment last Friday. It was weird, being amongst all the normalness. I was happy to hear that my doctor would most likely deliver me and I would get more attention later on, because I'm having twins. (I'm so speshul...)
The appointment last Friday went well, both babies looked great, both hearts beating away and some movement from one. I really like the staff at the new doctor and the doctor herself was nice and no-nonsense, which I appreciate. I didn't like the office decor (at all) but what does that matter, really? We got the whole new patient package, including a book, planner, some prescription PNV samples and some nice info sheets of what meds I can take and other informative stuff. (Gee, wonder why they're called info sheets.) We also got another picture, this time with both of them side by side.
*Also, I so wrote this yesterday but didn't want to jinx myself. So I waited to post it and then changed everything from 9w6d to 10w0d. (dorkus maximus over here)
**And also, has anyone else had bad dreams while pg? I keep dreaming I find blood in my underwear (takes no dream analyzer to figure that one out) but it scares me every time... I'd like a happy dream for once.
Whoo Hoo for 10 weeks!!! Double digits baby! Only 2 more weeks until the 2nd tri (3 if you go by thebump, but whatever).
No worries about not blogging, although I check for your updates...like every single day...
Can someone say Stalker hahaha
Love the pictures of the beans, they are getting so big :o)
Last but not least, big congrats on no more PIO shots :oD
I love following your Blog- now i know what to look forward to! :)
I feel the same way- boobs one day, not the next. Ahhh- the life of a pregnant woman is never dull.
Lots of luck on the NT scan!
yay for 10 weeks! Love the pics of the babies!
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