Your fetus currently enjoys a 1:1 ratio between body and head, and has skin so transparent that blood vessels show right through. But, fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds and nail beds are forming -- setting up a significantly more attractive future.
11 weeks. Counting down to the end of the first trimester. I can't wait. So here's the obligatory weekly check in.
How far along? 11 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: Blissfully ignorant of this
Maternity clothes? I bought jeans! Motherhood has tall jeans for only $35! After seeing the ugly, short Kohl's jeans for $56, I didn't hesitate to buy them.
Stretch marks? Or bruises; no. Although, the side of my ass/hip is kinda numb. And I still have some redness.
Sleep: I can finally sleep a little on my side, but its more stomach/side, rather than side/side. I still wake up on my back and I still have some issues falling asleep at times. And I still wake up at least twice a night to pee.
Best moment this week: Um... buying the jeans?
Movement: My stomach rumbles a whole lot. My digestive system is all screwy right now, so that's where the most movement is coming from.
Food cravings: Not really. M was surprised that I'm ok with chicken... we'll see.. I don't know how common it is to have that aversion, or when it's common to have it.
Gender: No idea, although I'm hoping the u/s tech will be able to give us a good idea at the NT scan.
Labor/Symptom Signs: My biggest symptom is the food issue. Ugh. Food. I eat and feel fine. Then an hour later I'm burping and feeling completely nauseous. And my stomach is all rumbly and ucky. And the after taste in my mouth after eating and the burping... its bitter and sour and gross. And makes me want to throw up. I actually threw up in my mouth a little bit last night. The closest I've come to actually barfing. I'm still sleeping a lot; close to 12 hours a night, so I don't nap and don't feel completely exhausted during the day, until 6 o'clock when I start yawning. I still get tired. I still have lots of discharge. My nips are still sensitive. But other than that, I wake up and wonder if I really am pregnant. Because until I eat, I'm just unsure. At times I just don't feel any different than normal. And then I'll get a hot flash or snap at M or be starving and think, ok, well, this is a good sign.
What I miss: Soda, although I had my first in about two and a half months the other day. It was wonderful. And Subway. I really want a sandwich right now.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing the babies and seeing the heartbeats and seeing everything be good and normal and healthy. I get anxious when I think about it, so I try to block it out. But, it's nerve wracking and I'm so worried one of them will have something be wrong... agh... I'm not thinking about it.
Weekly Wisdom: Um... treat others as you want to be treated... ? I don't know what to put here.
Milestones: In two days I will be under 200 days until EDD!
happy to see that everything is going smoothly!
Yay! BTW- I am also blissfully unaware of weight gain. Good luck with everything and keep up the posting.. I love to follow you and know what to expect!
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