Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This Weekend

Whew. This weekend was crazy. Friday we went and saw Indiana Jones 4; which was ok - not fabulous, but ok. My expectations were pretty low, so I wasn't too disappointed. I took my trigger shot at 9:30pm. The needle was bigger than the Gonal-f pen, which freaked me out, because it was harder to give myself the shot then. I really had to jab it.

Saturday we woke up early-ish to go to the Family Reunion deal out in New Waverly. We got there right around noon and stayed until about 3:30. We didn't get home until almost 5 and then Marc had to work so he could take Tuesday off. So I watched TV, did laundry and cleaned the house up for the maid to come on Monday.

Sunday, we woke up early and dropped Marc's "collection" off at the doctor at 8:30. We then went out and had breakfast and went back an hour later. Well, it turns out we could have taken our time with breakfast, because we ended up waiting an hour for them to call us. The office's AC was broken too, and I swear it was close to 90 degrees in that waiting room! It was horrible! We finally got to go back and then the IUI was done! It was pretty painless - more uncomfortable than anything else. I was slightly concerned because that morning I took an OPK test and it was negative. But, later that day, once we got into San Antonio, I started feeling cramps and pains around my ovaries, so I'm pretty sure I ovulated. I didn't bring any OPK test to check though. Marc and I were able to complete our "homework" that night and Monday morning, so I think we have a pretty good chance. The nurse said my CM (cervical mucus) was nice and looked like I was ovulating, and that made me feel better.

So now we're onto the dreaded two week wait. I wish Big Brother was on so I could have something else to distract myself with, other than the nest and thinking about if I'm "getting pregnant". My abdominal area feels bloated today. I will go back to the doctor's Monday, June 9. Seriously, it feels forever away. I'll be able to start testing that Saturday. By then I'll be 12 days past, and should get a pretty good idea. Wish me luck!

I wanted to take today off of work like Marc, but never heard back from my boss when I asked. He said he texted me back, but I never got it. I'm very curious about whether he actually did or not.

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