Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Fascinating "Milestone" I'm Sure You Couldn't Live Without Knowing

*Warning: gross content ahead*

I barfed this morning. A real, honest-to-goodness, spent-five-minutes gagging and retching all my stomach acid out with tears running down my face into the kitchen sink barf. (Don't judge; the kitchen sink was the closet throw-up acceptable place.) (I say don't judge because as I'm telling M this he's all eewwwwww! The kitchen sink! Why didn't you use the toliet? and is all judgey.)

Anyway, so my barfing is all the dog's fault. For the first time in... well, a long time, we had an accident of the Number Two variety. And I had to clean it up. I was fine... until I picked it up and put it in the bag (and my mouth is feeling all gaggy just thinking about it now) and then I had to dash to the kitchen sink and puke. And it was disgusting and burned the back of my throat and uck. And I know I shouldn't complain because oh-my-god I've been so lucky as to not actually have to do that everyday, but it was gross and reminded me of how much I hate throwing up and how lucky I've been.

And so then I opened the back door to help air out the odor and let a bunch of mosquitoes in, for which I got another grumpy comment about spraying air freshener. Yeah, because with my heightened sense of smell, smelling crap underneath fake-smelling spray is REALLY going to help. Good call there.

So, that was my morning. And then I went and ate blueberry pancakes with my brother. And M was jealous as he should have been for not being as impressed by the "milestone" this morning as I deem to be apropos. (According to him, he almost throws up dealing with that so its not a big deal. To which I say, yeah, but you haven't and I did, even though I've never after cleaning that up before, and you can go suck it.) And that's what he gets.


AmandaM said...

Is it wrong that this post made me laugh? :-P

Hope it doesn't happen again!

Aliki said...

Just dropping a comment to say I'm here and reading and so happy that you're doing great with the twins! :)