Friday, November 20, 2009

Such! Exciting! Things!

So many great things! So much to share! I guess I should get right to it...

Great Thing Number One: I popped! My belly is large(ish)! I look pregnant! I think it kinda happened from last weekend to this week. My mom and sister saw me on Sunday and were like - oh wow, you look bigger and now I feel like I am bigger. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see more pregnant belly than 'oh she's fat'.

Great Thing Number Two: We sold our townhouse!!! We closed on Thursday and are officially renting the place out until closing on our new house, which will hopefully be early December. I've been packing and dealing with inspectors and contractors (for the new house, which, until we're closed, I won't talk about) and all sorts of stuff. Both moms have been in helping us pack, which has been a godsend. Generally I've been keeping pretty busy, but still trying to rest and not over-exert myself.

Great Thing Number Three: We had our anatomy scan and both babies look great! And we know the sexes... A boy and a girl!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier. We are both so excited. I measured to be 25-26 weeks (which I think is CRAZY - I feel like I just started showing) if carrying a singleton (I have to remember that my little sister, who is 10 weeks ahead of me pregnancy wise, with one, only started showing and looking pregnant at 26 weeks - she's tall, like me but slimmer and in the last couple of weeks started really growing. She's bigger than me (of course) but it took her a lot longer to get there).

Both babies are perfect, the boy (who is residing on the left side of my belly) is measuring 20w4d and looked to be 360 grams and the girl (on the right) is measuring 20w1d and looked to be 333 grams. So both ahead and doing wonderfully. I am kinda mad, though, because the technician did not give us baby-boy-bit pictures on the DVD we got to take home. Am pretty peeved, and have debated calling and asking for them. However, since it was an outside company who came in and did the scan... I don't know if I could get them. But I do know I am not happy.

Both future grandmas were there and were swapped out between babies (we lured them here with the promise of being at the scan and they helped pack too). My mom was there for the measuring of the boy, M's mom there for the girl. So they both got to see them moving and kicking around. I am feeling more movement now, although nothing crazy and only when I'm laying down or being still. I feel fine, although am kinda fighting an allergy sinus thing which hasn't been fun. And with knowing the sexes we feel pretty finalized on the names, which is nice, because us coming up with two boy names would've caused some MAJOR discussions.

I just kinda feel like as long as we three make it through this move and to Christmas, we'll all be good (right before Christmas is the V-day milestone). So that's what I'm aiming and hoping for, short term, because, of course, I want these babies in me for another 18-20 weeks. Smoothness for everything to be on track and to be ok. No big bumps (except mine) or bobbles and I'll be pretty happy. And relieved.


Gina said...

Amazing news all around! Yay for a little boy and a little girl! The best of both worlds :o)

outofcntrl82 said...

Wow- such wonderful news! Congrats on your little girl and boy and all the other great things happening. Hope you continue to have a smooth and easy pregnancy.