Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I realized I never explained the whole HSG X-ray thing and I hate it when I read about something and never find out what happened or how it was. It went well! It was very uncomfortable, but, ok. It didn't really hurt, just the cramping and horrible uncomfortableness. I went in, waited. Changed clothes and then waited. (I waited for like 1.5 hours). They finally call me back and I explain that I have to pee. Like really badly. So I pee, but try to leave some in because apparently, I will have to pee again after the procedure. Then it starts. They take a picture. The speculum happens. The catheter happens. The blowing up of the catheter. The injection of dye. The cramping, because, oh my god - how does it feel so much like menstrual cramps? How is that possible? And why does my back hurt so bad? Back cramping I didn't expect, but it is where I cramp during my period, so maybe I should have been more prepared. So the dye is in and they take pictures. I have to rotate to the left *snap* I have to rotate to the right *snap* I lie still *snap* I go pee *snap* and finally, I'm done and they take everything out. I'm left with a big wad of crap between my legs and stuff coming out of me. But the x-ray looked good (so they say). No blocked fallopian tubes (yay!) and the x-ray administrator said I didn't have any fibroids on my uterus. Also yay! So that's basically it. They made a DVD of it and I took it over to my RE's office. They haven't called me (grrr...) with the results and in fact, they still don't have the results of my day 3 hormone test and Marc's SA (gggrrrrrrrr.... ). I am seriously irritated by that. I called today and discovered they didn't have them. No I'm just really impatient. Come on! It's been a week! Will update with results...

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