Monday, May 12, 2008


Man. Am I glad to have started. Right on schedule too (see - that's ironic because I'm not really ever on schedule... I have to take meds to make me start) I did accurately guess about when I would start though, so it's humorous to me that I actually started. Tomorrow is my Rule-out-cysts ultrasound appointment, so we'll see where I stand there, then. I'm nervous because last time I had a medium-ish cyst on one ovary, that, thankfully wasn't large enough to keep me from going forward, but was there, nevertheless. So hopefully, I'm cyst free tomorrow. And hopefully, the Clomid will work. To be honest, I'm not really expecting much from this cycle. I don't think the Clomid will work and I don't think I'll have good sized follicles and I do think the Clomid will affect the thickness of my uterine lining, which is just another way this cycle could be cancelled. I'm definitely one bitten, twice shy about all of this and am trying not to be too nervous, anxious or pessimistic (can you tell by the rambling?) but am. We'll see how tomorrow goes. It might be cancelled right then and there! And then I'll have a whole month and a half of wait time to start again. Fun. And I won't have Big Brother to distract me from the Nest boards and all the "babyness" of the web.

Anyway, this weekend was fun - we didn't really do much. Friday was a blast - we had a company fun day where we played Laser Tag, bowling and arcade games at The Main Event. We also got treated to a nice lunch and I didn't have to work too much at all! It was a great way to completely wear myself out physically (instead of mentally) and made me completely forget about work and all the BS.

On that note, I have updated my resume! And posted it online! We'll see what kind of response I get, now that I have learn-ed skillz in marketing.

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