Monday, June 2, 2008

Bad blogger

So after seeing commercials about "think before you post" that at first made me laugh, then made me think and worry a bit, I might be changing the settings on this to private.

Anyway, so I'm all bloaty today. I stopped by a Dollar Tree this weekend and bought some $1 tests - four to be exact - and have been driving myself crazy not using them. I keep rationalizing that some people have tested super early and found out and I might be one of them. I just have to keep telling myself that either way, its not going to change anything and thinking that I would rather not know, than see an early negative. So that's where my head is at. Friday we had a happy hour for Michelle, a new person here at work and I had a drink - just one. It was kinda weird. I know it didn't hurt anything, but I've been so good and careful these past several weeks that it still felt weird. And aside from the bloatiness, I've also had sore boobs/nips since last Thursday and almost cramping but different - pressure in my lower abdomen since the IUI. I hope these, and the starving-ness of today are all pregnancy symptoms. I HOPE so much. I don't know that my boobs are bigger, but they definitely hurt. I'm trying to stay positive with all that's going on. I know that I feel different, I just don't know if it's leftover from the meds (like the bruise on my stomach - it's 12 days old! and still purple!) or if it's from a possible pregnancy.

That's part of the reason I haven't blogged much. I'm trying to keep from going crazy and specualting too much out loud (or on 'paper'). In other news, no news on the house! Exciting! If I am pregnant, I'd like to drop the price on it maybe. I just want to see some action!

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