Wednesday, August 19, 2009


And all is... good?

Can you believe it? We saw the heartbeats again today (A: 129 B: 134), and everyone is measuring on track. They are supposed to be the size of blueberries! Yum! There is a SCH though, but its apparently small. I'm still quite worried about it and google is my enemy. Hopefully everything will be fine.

I had yet another bleeding scare yesterday. It was about a two inch in diameter spot in my underwear when I stood up that was like watered down blood that increasingly got more bright red, but also less and less. M noticed a trend - I tend to bleed on days I shave my legs. I wonder if its something I do, some way I bend or twist in the shower? I don't know, but you can bet that I won't be shaving in the shower anytime soon. And hopefully we'll go a full week (or - dare I even hope it - more) without blood. That would be nice. Really, really nice.

We also had my mom and dad over for lunch Sunday and they are officially in the know about the embryos that are growing in my ute. They were super excited for us, although we warned about the earliness of everything. I think pictures drowned out our warnings.


Aliki said...

Excellent news! Now put the razor down and step away!!!! :)

Gina said...

I agree, step away from the razor. Be a natural earth mama if that means no more scares.

I'm happy to hear you got to hear the babies again :o) When can we see more pictures?