Thursday, March 11, 2010


How far along? 36w 1d
Total weight gain/loss: :'( My goal to stay at a 40 pound weight gain has been... unsuccessful. I'm so sad. In the last week I gained ten pounds. TEN! The nurse said it was water retention (which is quite evident in my swollen ass feet) but it makes me sad. I was so proud of myself until yesterday.
Maternity clothes? All the time.
Stretch marks? Getting more and more daily. They go from hip to hip and are now spreading up my stomach. I look like I've been attacked by some feral cat-like animal. Since I'm redheaded and pale as fuck, the stretch marks are bright red/deep purple. It sucks.
Sleep: Depends on the day. I sleep sometimes. I'm tired all the time... I'm always uncomfortable, so it's hard to sleep for long periods of a time. Or longer than an hour at a time.
Best moment this week: Watching the babies try to kick off the Doppler's during the NST. It was hilarious. They were better this week, but last week we had to hold down the Doppler's to make sure they stayed in place to get readings. This week they were more well-behaved but still super active.
Movement: It depends on the time - sometimes they're super active, sometimes they don't hardly move at all and all I get is pressure.
Food cravings: No. I have to stay away from salt and I need to stay away from sugar. I've been drinking juice like its going out of style, but now I need to be careful what with the sugar.
Gender: Still one of each!
Labor Signs: Contractions have become more frequent, but that's about it.
What I miss: Knowing what its like to be comfortable. I miss my old feet and legs. And sleep.
What I am looking forward to: Our next growth scan next Tuesday and seeing what position they're in and how big they are.
Milestones: I made it to 36 weeks!

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