Monday, May 19, 2008

Update from the Doctor

So I went in today for my CD8 b/w and u/s. I have taken Clomid CD 3-7. My results were:

Lining: 5.5mm
Right Ovary: She saw like 36 follicles with the largest being 10.7mm and no others even close to that
Left Ovary: she saw a lot of follicles; largest being 6.4mm and all others smaller
Estrogen: 80

Now, I will start the Gonal-F and continue it to Wednesday (instead of Tuesday) and have a follow up appointment on Thursday. I'm guessing because of my low follicle size and the # of follicles at that size, they're going to keep me on injectibles longer. Here's hoping that this medication will actually work to make my one large one grow and hopefully get another one up there! I hope I don't end up with 36 10mm follicles or little to no growth on the big one.

I have to say, I'm already a little disappointed at what my body is doing. I think this is worse than last time. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, what with my body's normal lack of response to Clomid. This is where the injectibles come in - to give me and my broken ovaries a boost! A much needed boost, as it appears.

I'm anxious about the shot tonight and am super anxious about the followup appointment Thursday. I'm also stupidly superstitious, so I'm already trying to decide if my wearing my hair up led to the somewhat disappointing appointment today and wondering what I should wear Thursday, because IT WILL MATTER. Like I said - stupid. stupidstupidstupid. But I can't help the way I think!

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