Monday, October 6, 2008

IUI, Pain and Hospital, Oh My!

So I had my IUI last Wednesday. It was pretty uneventful, except for some pretty bad cramping right after that lasted throughout the day. When I woke up the next day the cramps were mostly gone. Except for a weird feeling in the pelvic area and random strange twinges. But no big deal, right? Until last night when Marc and I had sexy time. As soon as I came, I had immediate, intense, searing, pains. I don't even know what they were. Just horrible, horrible pain that spanned from ovary to ovary, from above my belly button all the way down. It came in waves and was so bad I would cry. It was seriously like nothing I've ever experienced. Marc freaked. We ended up in the Emergency Room after a phone call into the nurse at HIVF, who was no help. After two and a half hours the pain finally stopped coming as frequently and the waves stopped. They tried to get blood from me at the hospital, but missed, and then left it for later. Fortunately, I was able to escape the blood work as I was ordered to go to get an ultrasound. They didn't find anything that would explain the pain, and all they offered was pain medicine. Considering the pain was better, I denied the meds. I am holding out hope that whatever happened to me has no effect on the IUI. I am hoping and praying. Fervently. I still have no explanation as to what happened to me or why. I still have pain and am moving slowly, but it is nowhere near where it was. I can live with this. I've confined myself to my bed and am hoping that the pain I'm feeling now is just residual muscle ache from all the pain from last night and that staying in bed will help keep things in place.

On top of all that, I feel like the world is against me getting pregnant. This time I took the Sudafed and Claritin while taking Gonal, which possibly wasted some of the effectiveness of the Gonal. Then, I develop a bad eye infection. I had to go on eye antibiotics. And my allergies are going crazy (which led to the eye infection). And I can't take anything. Now this. The last IUI ended in miscarriage, after a staph infection on the outer lip of my vagina immediately following the IUI. And, when I tested negative for that IUI, I took allergy medicine, when really, I was pregnant. A big no-no.

I seriously can't help but wonder what could be next. Either way this IUI goes, I don't think it will be a positive outcome. And I hate being negative. But after all of this...

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