Saturday, May 23, 2009

One Week Until Puppy!

So the cramping has slowed, and gotten better. The endo.metrin is going well, I'm afraid I'm going to forget to take it though. I'll get into the habit though, and should get the hang of it.

The baby shower today was great - I was so happy to see L again. I can't believe so much time had gone by before seeing her. She looked, great, as always, and especially with her being 8 months pregnant. From behind you couldn't even tell she was pg - I know I won't look like that, but a girl can dream... The shower was nice, but awkward for me. I didn't know anyone there and have always been a freak about being around people I don't know. I am totally Social Anxiety when it comes to these kind of things, but today wasn't too bad.

We went out with the G's and R's which was nice... especially the trip to The Choc.olate Bar. Oh yeah. Yum. I picked up a piece of cake to eat at home and ate some ice cream there. YUM.

I'm not sure about tomorrow's plans - I have to say I'm not too disappointed with not hanging out with some of these people. Apparently A is sick and the neighbor I hate had surgery and may be in the hospital... so no big celebration.

And one week from today we should be bringing our new furbaby home! We may bring her over to introduce her to the cats, before the permanent move to helpfully reduce the shock. I'm SO excited about having her home. The cats just have no idea. And she will be a wonderful distraction from the 2ww when it gets really bad at the end.

And, I think I forgot to mention - we had two showings last week! Yay! One was a second showing, so I really hope something comes from it. They seem to be moving pretty slow, as the second showing was 18 days from the first. I don't care - just make an offer!!!!

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