Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sunday and Monday

So the Memorial Day party we were supposed to go to was cancelled. Instead we brought the puppy home for a night. Man oh, man. We got like 3 hours of sleep that night and am shocked we didn't get the police called on us for a noise complaint. She screamed. All. night. long. I knew to expect the crying - Marc was shocked by it (the duration the loudness). She had several accidents (although, that's not really fair as she's never been remotely trained to not pee where she sleeps) so we started that, but since she was going back to the other puppies, we couldn't use the public grass that other dogs go on and I'm not sure anything really sunk in as she is back with the rest of the litter and back to "eliminating" wherever she wants. Marc flipped out about the 'accidents' on the carpet, so her new base will be the kitchen. I need to get a gate, as her crate is way too big and she tore down every divider we erected (one didn't come with the crate) or a smaller crate. I don't really want to spend the money on a smaller crate that she'll outgrow quickly though. I need to find out how A and P trained W because he loves his crate.

I've read all about crate training and potty training, and honestly, I'm not sure what we should do. There are so many different ideologies and I'm not really sure which we should adhere to. This is going to be a process. A long process. I've already figured that my schedule is going to have to change, because Marc can't go to work with 3 hours of sleep and function. So. yeah. I see a lot of sleepless nights and naps in my future. At least this will keep me occupied while unemployed and trying to get pregnant.

Let's see... today I am 4dpiui. Nothing to note, really. I still feel rather bloated and have had quite the upset stomach, which I'm guessing is from the endo.metrin.

I've been having vivid, bad dreams the last couple of night. Last night all the people I went to high school with were all hanging out for some type of reunion get together thing and all the girls were pregnant. All. of. them. Except me. I woke up feeling melancholy. My 10 year reunion is this year, so I guess that's where I got the ammunition for the dream. And (thanks to FB) I know several of my old classmates do have children... Ah well. The night before was some nightmare about being chased and having my leg cut off. Not pleasant.


Crysbena said...

Oh the joys of a new puppy! It passes quickly I promise. Our dog did totally change our schedules though. We kept our pup on a schedule all the time and it helped a lot. We always woke up to let the dog out in the middle of the night. Basically we took her out every 2 hours and asked her to go potty then praised and gave her treats when she did. Worked like a charm. Plus the crying stopped when we used a noisemaker every time she cried. She learned that her noise only made a louder noise and she stopped. Of course never let them see you making the noise. We put pennies in a can and hid it.

BTW... my dog hated the crate. She was crate trained early but we left her in a empty bedroom while we were out.

looking4#3 said...

Wish I could give you some assvice on the puppy, but I've never had one, so I can't. But, good luck!!!
FWIW, I had CRAZY pregnant dreams right before I got my BFP!!! Everyone including my mother (who had a hysterectomy over 10 years ago), my aunt, (who is passed away) and my daughter were all pregnant!!! Maybe it's a sign of good things coming your way. Hope the 2WW flies right by and you get your BFP!!!