Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bye Bye Savings...

I know when I actually have my baby, I won't be so sad to see all that money gone, but right now it stings a little bit.


Down payment on a house.

Really nice car I will never drive.

Paying off student loans.

Getting a baby.

Ouch. Shared Risk IVF with ICSI. Man, oh man. This doesn't include meds, cryo or anesthesia. There's always the 70% back if this doesn't work, but its not like we want that. I don't know how people do this. We could have paid the clinic cycle by cycle... $13,815 per IVF with ICSI cycle. The money will be charged to our now maxed out credit cards as we speak. At least we get 1% cash back... it's something.

Hopefully once things get rolling we won't miss the money too badly. Hopefully, we learn to be more frugal. Hopefully I can get a job. Hopefully, this works and we get our baby.

Like I mentioned in a previous post there are a lot of miracles we need this summer. I hope we're doing our part to make this one happen.

And lest I sound like an ungrateful brat, I would like to acknowledge that I know how incredibly lucky we are to even be able to financially swing this. I know there are incomplete families out there who can't. And my heart breaks for them. Just like it breaks for those who have exhausted all monetary resources and still don't have a family. Just like it breaks for those struggling with IF. I hope someday everyone is able to have the family they dream of.


Crysbena said...

The cost of this just sucks!! But I keep reminding myself that I pay a payment for a car and a student loan on a regular basis and I would gladly trade a fancy car for a healthy child. I keep trying to stay frugal too in hope of learning to live a bit below our means. Good luck!

looking4#3 said...

Hoping and praying for you that ONE IVF cycle will do the trick!!!!