Monday, January 4, 2010

26w Growth Scan

So this happened LAST week, on 12/30, but I realized last night I never updated about it, so here goes.

Everything looked good! Both babies are head down (which caused me some nervousness - I hope they don't get any ideas anytime soon). They are measuring right on track and are 2 lbs and 2 lbs 2 oz. My cervix measured at 3.5" (which is a little shorter - I have been consistently at 4" so hopefully that doesn't change anymore). We got a clear shot of boy bits, which helped ease our mind a lot. And... I guess that's about it! So far so good! I'm still gaining weight and wish I would slow it down (something I do need to work on) but am still within the limits my doctor set for me, seeing as how I had a few pounds to lose pre-pregnancy. I had the glucose tolerance test, and won't find anything out for a little while. And we are pre-registered at the hospital. All I need to do now is sign us up to take classes.

The symptoms of pregnancy... my poop issue has gotten better with daily stool softeners. So that's really nice. The heartburn however, has gone crazy. I am popping Tums after almost everything I eat. Who knew that cereal (as in MILK and FLAKES) could give me heartburn? Milk, last time I checked, is a counter agent to acid, as a base, right? So it would make sense that have searing pain up my chest after eating it? No. I'm also feeling like I'm fighting off something yucky as the phlegm and congestion and drainage is getting worse. I think it's all the weather changes we're getting down here. Warmish, then cold and back and forth. My sinuses are dying. But I'm not taking anything, which could be stupid, but I really prefer to keep the babies med free while they're in me as much as possible. And man, have I been gassy lately.

My little sister is due in a few weeks and is miserable. She has had back problems since a young age that pregnancy is really messing with. My nephew is due on the 23rd, but I selfishly want him to come a little earlier so I can go and see him. When at the doctor, he told me that if she delivers within the next two weeks, I could go (about an hour and a half away - but I'd be at a hospital!) and to check with my regular doctor (my doc was in surgery, so we got to see another doctor in the practice) at my next appointment on the 13th (I'll be 28 weeks) if she doesn't.

So I'm definitely gearing up to the finish with increasing doctor visits (and the start of the third trimester!), although it seems very, very far away. I have also started researching hospital bag necessities from various Internet sources and have compiled a very comprehensive list, in my opinion. However, this list would require several bags to the hospital, so I'm going to have to edit. I'll post the list at the end, in case anyone cares to see it.

Other baby stuff - the bedding has finally been figured out. My mom and grandmother are making quilts and decor for the nursery and after numerous trips to the fabric store and many hours, we finally got fabric. It's my fault because I'm so picky. I don't like pink. I don't like flower-y things. I picked out bedding that I thought would be very easy to simulate - cream, tan and chocolate, which turned out to be near impossible. So, now the quilts have a plummish purple and a teal blue amongst all the cream and brown and I think it will be very pretty. I'm very happy with it and even happier I put everyone out of their misery with this project. (Well, except the people who have to sew the stuff together, but that's fun for them.) We also have a crib set up. It's a loaner crib from friends of ours, which I'm slightly nervous about. I haven't received the recalled parts yet and would really like to have those soon. The other crib is coming from my MIL, so who knows when we'll actually get it. The nesting instinct hasn't really set in yet, so I'm not all freaked about how unfinished the nursery is. We still need to get stuff over from the storage facility, something I need to set up soon.

My Hospital Bag List (which I will edit down):
- Chap-stick for me and M
- Socks/ Slippers
- Bathrobe
- Hair clips and rubber bands
- Travel size toiletries
o Shampoo/conditioner
o Hairspray
o Hairbrush
o Face/body soap
o Deodorant
o Toothbrush/paste
o Lotion
o Makeup
o Contact lens/solution/glasses
- Nursing pillow/Boppy
- Nipple cream/pads
- Camera, video camera
- Cell phone
- IPod with speakers
- Chargers/batteries for electronics
- Mat clothes for trip home
- Nursing bra /tanks
- Towels
- My pillow (with protector) and colorful pillowcase
- Sleep Mask
- Pen/paper
- Toilet paper
- Baby books
- Stool Softeners
- Depends/Poise underwear
- Super Duper Ultra Absorbency LONG pads (not Always)
- Hard candy

- Blanket/pillow
- Mints
- Change of clothes and toiletries

- Going home outfits
- Receiving blankets
- Hats
- Diapers/wipes
- Pacifiers
- Car seats
- Additional baby outfits
- Socks
- Jackets if necessary

- Birth certificate paperwork

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you really shouldn't need toilet paper, diapers or wipes. If you're at any kind of decent hospital all of that and the depends and poise pads will be provided.